This is my new blog page, I hope you like it. I intend to produce daily (or near daily) Big Truth Reality blog pages giving you the best links from the previous 24 hours of news, the links to articles/videos etc which to me most reflect the appalling truth and reality of our world. The diea here is to give a brief one stop shop for articles and news. There will also be a series of topic resources, an in depth look at an individual topic.
Big Truth Reality 25/08/07RIP Aaron Russo, who lost his battle with cancer today, a true hero for his work exposing the NWO and Illuminati, especially vital given his first hand contacts with the Rockefellers
Patriot hero Aaron Russo passes away strike on 9-11 - strike to show your disgust - disseminate war on the horizon - Paul Craig Roberts see here extracts with my comments attached
Quote ====================== (1) According to Baer, the Bush regime has given no consideration to whether Iran's response to a US attack might be different than to welcome it as liberation. What if Iran really were to arm the Iraqi resistance and/or to sink our aircraft carriers? How can any government, even one as incompetent, delusional and unaccountable as the Bush regime, initiate war without any thought to the consequences? ======================= (1) An attack on iran will cause them to actually start arming and providing full scale direct support to Shia militias, so far they have only tinkered, an attack will actually mean sophisticated weapons and Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen joining the insurgency in Iraq. This will cause many US soldiers to die. Further, as PCR says above, the iranians have the capability to sink and aircraft carrier in the Gulf, indeed any ship in the Gulf is a sitting duck, the Russian built 'Sunburn' missile can evade the US Navy's phalanx defense system and as such leaves these boats defenceless if they are within a hundred miles of Iranian coast, i.e. anywhere in the Gulf. Indeed the plan is so likely to lead to a military catastrophe that I wonder if this is actually an Illuminati sacrifice, like Hitler's army at Stalingrad, there is no need to fight Iran when you are overstretched in Iraq with vulnerable supply lines. So I really do fear that the intention is to lose an entire army in the desert as a blood sacrifice. Further, it is clearly an excuse to use nuclear weapons once military defeat becomes clear and US casualties spiral out of control.
An army of 150,000 men cannot fight two large scale wars and will be massacred if they try.
Quote ========================= (2) On August 22 Bush told the Veterans of Foreign Wars that US troops are the "greatest force for human liberation the world has ever known." Tell that to the 650,000 dead Iraqis and the 4 million displaced Iraqis, and the tens of thousands of slaughtered Afghans, and the coming civilian deaths in Iran. Tell that to all the bombed civilians from Serbia to Africa who are blown to pieces in order that a US president can make a point. Bush goes far beyond George Orwell's "Newspeak" in his novel, 1984, when Bush equates US hegemony with liberation. ========================== This kind of talk is insanity, how can any fool, even a blindly faithful patriot, seriously try and state that the US military is the greatest force for liberation the world HAS EVER KNOWN. I mean come on, this is la la cuckoo crazy stuff, this is like Hitler falling apart as the tide turned against him, or a Roman emporer who has gone insane and starts babbling crap.
Quote =========================== (3) America's hegemonic hubris is a sickness. A country that tolerates a war criminal while he openly plans to attack yet another country is definitely not a light unto the world. =========================== Yes indeed it is a sickness, and like imperial Great Britain is runs through much of society who believe all the rubbish they are spoon fed and who simply do not give a damn about the massive slaughter of Arabs or non whites. I mean the case against the war often has to be presented to people as being about the deaths of US soldiers (tragic as they are), rather than a million Iraqis dead, a million more wounded, 4 million displaced, DU littering the country. This to me shows simply how pervasive the culture and propaganda imposed by the elitist criminals has infected the minds of so many in the USA (and elsewhere too, just a bit less) |
Lest we forget their suffering - Israeli army murders two boys playing in field in Gaza yourself for the insolvency crunch (must read) personal debt now exceeds annual GDP fears for Newsnight future - cutbacks affecting the quality of news coverage[just another way of making sure the BBC tows the line]'s Imperial Shame - Indian holocaustNew research indicates that British reprisals for the Sepoy rebellion may have killed upto 10 million Indians over the course of the next decade,,2155324,00.htmlStephen Lendman - Market Efficiency HokumExposing the myth of perfectly efficient markets Fisk - Iraqis don't deserve us, so we betray them the eyewitnesses - F-16 pilot who saw Flight 93 shot down died of sudden heart attack in 2001 Escobar - Welcome to Hillary's warsDisgusting Hillary Clinton and her war fevour seizing control of Iraqi electricity grid
Hooray for Biggs' New Blog.
Bless this Blog and all who sail in her.
Death to lies and confusion on the heads of liars.
Congratulations Biggs ,-D
All sorts of information, topics and updates !
The truth shall make us free
Thank you Biggs for your noble effort
Blessings.. indeed !!
many thanks to both of you.
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